Tuesday, October 13, 2009


LINEUP:Thriller, vulgar movie


STORY:Its a different type of movie i have seen till now...related to biological concepts of preparing biological life with the dna of other world like aliens...it happens like one team i guess i dont remember the name it would be something like S.E.T.I related to space research of extra terrestrial investigation gets the DNA structure of some other species...they develop a biological life using that DNA and thinks to study..the research will be very successful but the growth would be rapid fast and they think that it would be dangerous to the human kind and thinks to kill...but the girl(biological life with new DNA) would be very talented and very strong..she escapes from the laboratory and kills everyone who comes her way...her growth would be very fast...the S.E.T.I joins few other talented guys to become a team who will be after her to kill her..but she escapes from every plan..then the movie goes on like chasing only(the team after her)....finally they would be successful in killing her but it would be very late for them as she would be involved in sex and would be pregnant and soon gives birth to another species in just matter of days itself...but the team would be very clever and kills every species...finally the movie ends with the death of species but the rats would get that DNA as it eats a part of the species...it was totally a different movie and i liked the concept but its too vulgar...


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